Monday, September 04, 2006

Two Zoo Websites

Being a PRTM student, my interests lie in the natural world. I was compelled to search different zoo websites to see which ones were effectively reaching their visitors. Here’s what I found:

Losing site:
It’s true that many NPOs may not have the resources to fund effective advertising. The Greenville Zoo definitely needs a little help with its website.
- Proximity – There is none. Each element is individually listed. The links should be grouped together instead of spread out on the page. The links trap the available white space on the page making it look empty.
-Alignment – The entire page uses centered text. There are no strong lines visible. The hours and prices need to be listed instead of lost in a sentence.
-Repetition – The links are the only repetition on the page.
-Contrast – The pages uses primary colors and weight to contrast the information. The title draws my attention, but it competes with the “Baby Orangutan” in the center of the page.
Overall, this page is lacking.

Better site:
Since Zoo Atlanta is a larger, more successful zoo, their budget probably allows for some professional advertising help.
-Proximity – Important information is grouped together to easily find what you are looking for. Each link also has subheadings available when you click on them.
-Alignment – The info links are left aligned creating a strong line on the left side with the Zoo Atlanta logo and the Zoo News underneath. The pictures on the right side of the page also create a strong line with the main picture in the middle.
-Repetition – The search uses the same triangle accent as the links on the left side. The large block font and san sarif are also repeated throughout the page.
-Contrast – Again, primary colors are used but with more efficiency. The contrast between the yellow background, orange accents and green type really makes the page colorful, fun and easy to read. Differences in font, size and weight are also well utilized.
This page is easy to navigate and eye-catching.


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