Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Reading Connections

This MAPC website design uses elements brought out in Krug's "Don't Make Me Think." Notably is it's use of conventions as brought out in the chapter "Billboard Design." The title of the website is at the top of the page as well as the main navigation bar being placed horizontally across the top section of the page. We have also included a search box at the top of the page because that is the most conventional location for an information box on a general information website.

In terms of space layout, this website uses the concepts found in the book "Thinking with Type." In the chapter "Grid," Luton outlines how useful the grid system is for organizing information. We maintained this theory by putting the heading, navigation, and text in the same arrangement for all pages. This consideration makes the website design pleasantly predictable.

This website also considers Unity as outlined in the book "The Elements of Graphic Design." It achieves unity through repetition and theme variations. The elipsis of the logo is repeated in the frame of the page and the outline of the picture fields. Also the elipsis theme and orange and purple color scheme are recognizably similar on both the home page and the next page, even though the frame and title placement are not exactly the same.


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