Friday, August 24, 2007

Post 2 - "Make or Break" Visuals

Visuals played a very important part in my decision buy my computer. I was drawn to the Apple product line in the post-iPod era, after Steve Jobs rejoined Apple and started revamping the entire line. The products became just so much...cooler. The commercials appealed to me instantly. The ads featured people I could identify with, people who adhered to my sense of cool, standing against a blank white background and just talking about how they loved their Apples, especially since they didn’t “crash.” Although the idea of the non-crashing computer was a big selling point, especially if it wouldn’t plague me like the horror of a HP laptop I owned, the simplicity of the commercials and the appearance of the actors definitely played into my decision.

The commercials drew me to the brand, but the overall attention to design detail sold me on the Apples. I can attest that Apple does make an excellent product (I feel so smug when my boyfriend’s Dell desktop spontaneously combusts) but the thing I love most about my computer is that the design marries technology and art. Even though my computer has its occasional struggles, the fact that I can slide my cursor into a corner and all of the windows arrange themselves neatly onto my desktop still makes me smile.


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