Wednesday, September 19, 2007

3 Points and a Question Much Delayed

- Interactivity was originally a much debated term among programmers. It is possible that it is characterized along a continuum, or is simply defined by whether or not the user feels as though they are participating.

- According to Tufte, "when a graphic is taken over by decorative forms... the overall design purveys Graphical Style rather than quantitative information."

- In the discussion of Guides, pages 26-7, there are 2 main types of guides to be developed. One is similar to a virtual library, whereby people can search the database by keyword or topic. The second is to create an agent that is capable of anticipating the user's goals and making the process smoother. (I think this is sort of like the talking paper clip in Windows?)

Question: The Laurel text was written in 1993. I guess I'm just wonder how the thinking has changed about interactivity, audience, etc.

Also, my apologies for the delay on my posting.


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