Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ugh, late again!

Well, I am late again for my post because I skipped ahead a week in the schedule. So here's the worst website I could find. In order to get some ideas about the worst website, I googled "bad websites" only to come across http://www.bad-websites.com/. First of all this site has all of these empty squares on its splash page that are apparently supposed to be filled with links but have absolutely no information. Then, everything that is supposed to have other links, like "Categories" and "Newest Sites" take you to the "server cannot be found page." I am not exactly sure if this website is supposed to be a joke (in which case, it's not funny) or if the designers just really messed up. Overall, there's no useful information on this page, and it is just wasting space!
This webpage uses entirely too many boxes, and it's way-finding principle is awful! I have no idea what any of the "other stuff" categories mean or how they are relevant to the site, for example the "why nephews are bad" link; what the heck!


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