Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Dark Side of Oz

It is not even clear what the point of this website is at first glance. The text is overwhelming and the logo at the top of the page is vague. Even the title of the website is vague – the definitive list of what? This is a website I found that lists the moments where Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon synchronizes with the classic family film The Wizard of Oz. Boredom can be rough sometimes.

1.) This website does do one thing right – it uses color to imply meaning. The moments that occur during the black and white portion of this film are listed in grayscale text and the ones that occur in the color portion of the film are listed in colorful text. This is not enough to save this website, however.

2.) The designer completely ignored the need for white space – the site is completely filled with text that extends from edge to edge on the page.

3.) It would have helped the site immensely if the designer had included screen captures next to the items in the list and used the text more as captions. Not only would the visuals increase the usability of the site by making it easier for the user visually understand when the synchronized moment occurs, it would also have given the page some visual interest.

4.) The choice of font is boring and lacks contrast.

5.) The rules are ugly and their repetition is monotonous, not interesting.

6.) The logo at the top of the page is cluttered, center aligned, and way too small. So is the logo at the bottom of the page.

7.) The list should be the focus of the page – the extra information at the top of the page should be moved to the bottom of the page.

8.) The site should use the concept of proximity and should be divided by scene or by song to better organize the information.


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