Wednesday, October 03, 2007

3 ahs and a hmm.

Consider the Source - Credibility is very important. Data can be shifted to support the case of the presenter. We have to keep in mind what's being presented and who is presenting or where the support is coming from.

The Act of Communication (K&R p5) The act of creating any workplace communication is driven by the writer's understanding of three basic elements: audience, purpose, and context.

These are things that we take into consideration whenever we're interacting with other people. Whether we are asking our parents for something, or trying express our stress to a friend (who may or may not be the cause of said stress), we have to think about who were talking to, what's to be accomplished, the circumstances we find ourselves in at the time.

Being conscious of those elements keeps us in the boundaries of appropriate and sufficient.

Tone(K&R p20) We are constantly trying to express the most thought in the least amount of energy. One of the means used in every publication,document,note that we come across is tone. One good example of how we aren't always cognizant of our tone is in instant messages that we receive on our phone/computer. Something as simple as caps lock can change the tone of a message from pleasant to angry. The people on the receiving end of those messages actually feel like they are being yelled at even though that may not be the case.

It seems like we live and experience these communication and design elements every day. I wonder what other areas of life can we pull into design.


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