Thursday, October 04, 2007

Revamping the class schedule

I am not sure if any of you really notice how often I mess up my blog postings, but it's a lot. For some reason, I have a lot of trouble figuring out when things are do for this class, especially the blog posts. I talked to Dr. Fishman yesterday about my dillema and a possible solution to it. I suggested that, instead of the chart-like schedule she has now, she create a calandar schedule with the various assignments and blog posts represented on the days they are due. Each assignment/post could then be hyperlinked to a description of the assignment, so we know exactly what the requirements are for each. Dr. Fishman seemed open to the idea, but she wanted to know what the class thought about it to, so here I am throwing it out there. Let me know what you think or if you have any other ideas.


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