Sunday, August 26, 2007

Post 2: "made" the message

After reading Ali’s post on Nivia Cream and how the models chosen “broke” the message for her, I started thinking about what advertisements I’ve seen that really “made” a message and sold the product to me. I immediately thought of Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty. Dove has taken a new approach to society’s ideals of beauty and used women of all ages, shapes, and ethnicities to promote Dove products. It was really refreshing to see on TV and in print a model that was not 16, Caucasian, and flawless. The commercials and advertisements depicting every day looking people definitely sold Dove to me as a product I want to support, plus I feel the campaign sends a message we should be socially conscious of. The link below is the best Dove commercial I have seen and truly makes a point about how the visuals we see in advertisements are not necessarily always accurate:


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