Saturday, August 25, 2007

Stupid Nivia Cream

One of the commercials I loath on television these days is Nivea’s advertisement for their “Goodbye Cellulite Cream.” The commercial, as the name clearly states, advertises Nivia’s new cream that ability to “visibly reduce the appearance of cellulite” with their new L-Carnatine substance. The sole reason I hate this commercial is due to the advertisers’ choice of models to sell this product. Call me crazy, but how can a size zero model effectively advertise a cellulite cream when she has clearly never had an ounce of cellulite on her body? These advertisers’ use of such models illustrates that they have no idea who their target audience is (or at least should be), which makes them lose credibility in my mind. Instead of making me say, “Oh, awesome this is a new cream to help me get rid of my jiggly thighs,” I am angry at the commercial for even suggesting that the women they portray need to use this cream. And instead of making me want to buy this cream, this ad makes me concentrate on our society’s obsession with stick-thin women. Thus, the commercial was lost on me because of the visual representation these advertisers’ chose to use to sell their stupid cellulite cream. (Bah! It still makes me mad.)


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