Monday, October 08, 2007

3 Points and a Question

-Logotypes use typography or lettering to depict an organization's name in a way that the audience can remember, using letters to create a distinct visual image. Some examples of logotypes would be the Coca-Cola script and the Johnson and Johnson script. Every time we see one of these logotypes, we almost immediately associate it with a product or company.

-Freire believes that in order to teach illiterate adults to read, educators need to view these learners are inside of a social structure as opposed to marginalizing them as outsiders of a social structure. Only then can these learners become the subjects of learning rather than passive objects that are filled with knowledge.

-Freire suggests that the words/sayings educators choose to teach illiterate adults need to come from the everyday world in which these learners live. This is important, he emphasizes, in order to show these learners the importance of learning to read and write for their own lives and motivate them to start learning on their own as well as in the classroom.

Question: Can we apply Freire's method of teaching illiterate adults in the United States even though our language is not generative like Portuguese?


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