Sunday, September 02, 2007

3 Points and a Question

- White space doesn't have to be white. It is simply a color that fills in an area we perceive as empty. Thus, an understanding of white space and its uses are essential to understanding how design influences viewer's perceptions.

- There is a difference between having white space and using white space. The former is unplanned and is not an integral part of the design.

- Asymmetry, things that are not symmetrical, implies motion and activity. It creates order and balance between unlike elements.

My Question is actually more a point of contention. In reading this I agree that there are many important essentials to quality visual designs. However, I suppose the natural skeptic in me is wondering if it is possible to go too far with the analysis of these elements and tactics. In other words, is there no place for instinct in all of this. Can something simply just feel and look right while ignoring some of the conventions discussed in these readings?


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