Monday, September 03, 2007

The Elements 3 points

The Elements of Graphic Design:

1) “It is vital for a designer to learn to see each element as a shape as well as a signifier of meaning.” It’s interesting that a lot of the time we focus on the words we write to make a point but the idea of arranging text, white space, graphics, etc. visually giving meaning is something that will take much concentration and practice.
2) Empty space/white space can be used to represent something about the product or client. A large ad with the majority of white space leads the audience to believe the product/company is “extravagant, exclusive, classy,” and successful. In clothing stores, the more space there is signifies “rarity” and luxury.
3) In the evolution of type and graphic design, currently with the use of computers it allows us to use graphic design in many capacities, “but the purpose of a document remains to be read.”

Question: If we use graphic design so much so now that the text is lost and unread, will the next evolutionary change in text and graphic design be more text based and simple or will we begin to use graphic design exclusively and use less text?


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